HBC Nutrition continues to expand our expertise and develop specialized skills.

Rebekah Miller, a dietitian with HBC Nutrition, recently completed the Monash University ‘Low FODMAP Diet for IBS’ training course for health professionals. This training focused on research-based solutions for IBS, especially low FODMAP nutrition therapy.
The low FODMAP diet is designed to discover and decrease certain sugars that individuals with IBS may have difficulty digesting that cause water retention, bloating, distention, pain, diarrhea and constipation. FODMAP itself is an acronym that stands for the categorization of some of these troublesome sugars: Fermentable Oligosaccharides (GOS + Fructans), Disaccharides (lactose), monosaccharides (fructose), and Polyols (Mannitol, Sorbitol).
The low FODMAP diet focuses first on eliminating high FODMAP foods. From there, patients consume small amounts of each type of sugar to see its effects. At the end of the diet, a patient’s diet can be expanded to include all foods that do not cause their symptoms while keeping to a minimum those foods that cause symptoms. This type of diet gives patients the opportunity to experience fewer symptoms while expanding their list of acceptable nourishing foods.
Rebekah’s training enables her to pinpoint red flags that may indicate more severe diseases like chrones or celiac disease and direct the patient to appropriate care. She is also able to assist patients in successfully navigating this diet and achieving the best possible outcome. With the low FODMAP diet, HBC nutrition can help patients find symptom relief, improve quality of life, and eat a variety of foods.
If you have a patient diagnosed with IBS that is still experiencing symptoms, has low variety in their diet, and/or a decreased quality of life because of this diagnosis, consider a referral to HBC Nutrition for help implementing a low FODMAP diet.